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Language Is Children's Play

Lingotot teacher voices concerns over languages decline

Published on 04/10/2019

A LANGUAGE teacher has voiced her concern over a report which claims Brexit is causing children to fall behind in learning a second language.

The British Council report claims there has been a disappointing shift in attitude, with some parents telling teachers that languages will be of “little use” as the UK is due to leave the European Union.

Author of the report Teresa Tinsley added: “Schools that are not achieving well are focussing on core subjects and primary SATs tests because these are the outcomes that Ofsted will look at”.

Jenny Plumb, of Lingotot Maldon and Heybridge, said: “I’m really saddened by the continuing decline of language skills in Britain.

“Language learning is so much more than being able to order an ice cream when you’re abroad.

“It opens the door to new cultures, new understanding and new opportunities and our children deserve the opportunity to experience that within their education.

“If the Government is serious about reversing this decline through engaging children at a younger age - which language professionals fully endorse - it is essential that there is an obvious pathway for progression.

“Having official qualifications at primary level will help secondary schools to ensure progression continues from the outset which will go a long way to fulfilling the Government’s pledge to make Modern Foreign Language a priority.

“We are seeing this in action as Lingotot children move from primary to secondary school.”

Lingotot are a company who partner with schools and others to deliver a fully accredited language programme for young children.

Mrs Plumb teaches French and Italian.

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